Reserve Now Reserve

Dine & Drink

Within our hotel we offer a selection of restaurants, bars, and lounges designed to whet your palate at any hour of the day. Satisfy your sweet tooth at our Candy Bar, grab a bite at Union Full Board, sip on cocktails in the downstairs speakeasy Tinker to Evers, and take in views of the Windy City from the Rooftop at The Wheelhouse.

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1 Adult
2 Adults
3 Adults
4 Adults
0 Child
1 Child
2 Children
3 Children
4 Children
1 Adult
2 Adults
3 Adults
4 Adults
1 Room
2 Room
3 Room
4 Room
1 Adult
2 Adults
3 Adults
4 Adults
1 Room
2 Room
3 Room
4 Room